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Instructions to authors

Aim & Scope

Socijalna psihijatrija is a peer-reviewed journal intended for publication of manuscripts from the fields of social psychiatry, clinical psychiatry and psychology, biopsychology, psychotherapy, forensic psychiatry, war psychiatry, alcoholism and other addictions, mental health protection among persons with intellectual and developing disabilities, epidemiology,
deontology and psychiatric service organisations.

All manuscripts must be written in the Croatian and English language.

All manuscripts undergo the same review process if they follow the scope of the Journal and fulfil the conditions according to the Author guidelines.

The Editorial board will not take the responsibility for the viewpoint of the Author’s manuscript – it remains the exclusive responsibility of an Author.

Socijalna psihijatrija publishes the following types of articles: editorials,original scientific papers, professional papers, review’s, case reports, reports on drugs and methods of treatment, short announcements, annotations, news, book review’s, letters to the editor, and other papers in the field of social psychiatry.
Exceptionally, the Editorial board can accept other kinds of paper (social psychiatry event paper, social psychiatry history-related paper, etc.).

During the whole peer-reviewed process, the Socijalna psihijatrija journal follows the Committee of publication ethics (COPE) guidelines ( as well as the “Recommendations for the conduct, reporting editing, and publication of scholarly work in medical journals” set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE - http://www.

Editors at the Socijalna psihijatrija journal pay close attention to the integrity and visibility of scholarly publications as stated in Sarajevo Declaration (

Editorial board

Each received manuscript is evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief. The manuscripts that do not meet the main criteria listed in the Author guidelines are returned to the Author. Manuscripts that are qualified are processed further.


Manuscripts that meet the scope of the Journal and are prepared according to the Author guidelines are sent to peer-review. Socijalna psihijatrija advises its reviewers to adhere to the Journal’s Guidelines for peer-reviewers available on the Journal webpage.

Ethical code

All the submissions are accepted with the understanding that they have not been and will not be published elsewhere in any substantially format.
The Editorial board, with the agreement of the Author and Publisher, can republish previously published manuscripts.
The manuscript published in Socijalna psihijatrija can be published elsewhere without the permission of the Author, Editorial board and Publisher, with the note that it has already been published in Socijalna psihijatrija.

Copyright and publication licence

After a manuscript is accepted for publication, the Authors must guarantee that all copyrights of the manuscript are transferred to Socijalna psihijatrija. The publisher (Medicinska naklada d.o.o.) has the right to reproduce and distribute manuscripts in printed and electronic form without asking permission from Authors. All manuscripts published
on line are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles in any medium or format. Furthermore, users can remix, transform, and build upon the material, provided the original work is properly cited and any changes properly indicated. The complete legal background of the license is available at:

Conflict of interest

Socijalna psihijatrija encourages all Authors and Reviewers to report any potential conflicts of interest to ensure complete transparency regarding the preparation and reviewing of the manuscript. According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE):
“Conflict of interest exists when an author (or the author’s institution) has financial (employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria and paid expert testimony) or personal relationship, academic competition or intellectual passion that inappropriately influences his actions.” (available at:


Socijalna psihijatrija is partly open-access journal, all of its archive content is free
and available at the Journal’s webpage.

Article processing charges

The translation or language editing of the manuscript from Croatian to English (and vice versa) is funded by authors.

Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts, figures and tables should be submitted in electronic form. Normally, manuscripts should be no longer than 20 standard pages (one standard page is 1800 keystrokes – characters with spaces). Texts should be written in Microsoft Word, in a continuous font and style: the one set under the Normal style, with no additional font effects
used other than words that should be in bold or italic. Tittles should be written in the same font as the rest of the text (Normal style) in a separate row, and title hierarchy should be shown using numbers (e.g. 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., etc.).
There should be a title, name and surname, address, town, state and e-mail indicated for the corresponding author.
The title page should contain: the full and shortened title of the article, full names and full surnames of all authors of the article, and the institution they work for. All the authors should also provide an ORCID ID (please check the following website:
The article should have a summary not exceeding 200 words. The summary should briefly describe the topic and aim, the methods, main results, and conclusion. The summary should be followed by 3 to 5 key words for easy identification and classification of the content of the article.
Original scientific and professional papers should be arranged into sections as follows: summary, introduction, aim, methods, results, discussion and conclusion.
The Introduction section is a short and clear overview; it briefly mention  Authors involved with the research of the paper.
The Aim section briefly describes the goals and intentions of the research, i.e. the point of the research.
The Methods section should be presented in such way as to allow the reader to replicate them without further explanation. Methods known from the literature need not be described but should simply be referred to by their generic names (trade names should be given in parentheses).
The Discussion section includes the results and their comparison with the results of other researchers and well known scientific knowledge in that area. It should also explain the significance of the results and their limitations, including implications regarding future studies, statements and conclusions that are not verified by the results should be avoided.
The Conclusions section should correspond to the aim of the study and be based on its results. 
Tables should be placed at the end of the text in the Word document and with an indication where they are to appear in the published article. If the table is submitted as an image (i.e. is not constructed in Microsoft Word), the same instructions as for images apply.
Images should be submitted separately in .tiff or .jpg (.jpeg) format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Every image should have a number and caption. Reproduction of images and tables from other sources should be accompanied by a full reference and authorization by their Authors and Publisher.
The manuscript may have an acknowledgement at the end of the text.
References should be written with Arabic numerals in parentheses.


Socijalna psihijatrija applies the Vancouver referencing style according to the International Committee (ICMJE) standards. ICMJE recommends citation of the complete manuscripts, i.e. publicly accessible manuscripts, meaning that summaries, announces, etc. should be avoid.
Repeated citing of a manuscript should be marked by the same number as when it is mentioned for the first time.
Quotation marks should be used when citing another text. This mode of citation should only be used when the information cannot be properly reformulated or summarized (e.g. when referring to a definition).
Secondary citations refer to cases when Authors quote a passage from an
inaccessible work to using a different text than the one where the quote originated. This kind of quotation should be avoided as much as possible i.e. always try to find the original scientific manuscript. In cases when it is not possible, the manuscript should cite the work that was used and not the work in which the information was primarily published.

1. Authors
In case the manuscript has six or fewer Authors, all of them should be listed. Should the manuscript have more than six Authors, the first six should be listed and the rest of them marked with the abbreviation et al. or i sur. First list the surname and then the initials of the first name(s). Multiple initials for the same person should be written without spaces.

2. Title and subtitle
Titles and subtitles are copied from the original and separated by a colon. Only the first word of the title and name are written in capital letters.

3. Journal title
Journal titles are shortened according to the MEDLINE system (a list of abbreviations is available at: journals). The title of the journal is not shortened if fit is not found in the abovementioned shortcut list.

4. Numerical journal data
The data that can be found in the original or in any of the bibliographic database should be written in Arabic numerals, in the following order: year, volume, issue, part, supplement, pages. Issue number is entered in parentheses and it is required to enter it starting from 1. In case the issue of the Journal cannot be recognized (e.g. when the issues are bonded), that data may be omitted. The page numbers are written from first to last.

E. g.
Kingdon DG, Aschroft K, Bhandari B, Gleeson S,Warikoo N, Symons Metal. Schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder: similarities and differences in the experience of auditory hallucinations, paranoia and childhood trauma. J Nerv Ment Dis 2010; 10(6): 399-403.

5. Book issue
Book issue is indicated by the ordinary number and the abbreviation “Ed”. In case the book has more than one volume, use the abbreviation “Vol”.

6. City of issue
Insert only the first city from the original work. For every additional city, use the abbreviation etc.

7. Publisher
Copy from the original.

8. Year of issue
Copy it from the main page. In case the year is not indicated, the copyright year should be written (it can be found at the end of the book).
Kring AM, Johnson SL, Davison GC, Neale JM. Abnormal Psychology. New York: Wiley, 2013.

9. Book chapter
Book chapter should list the authors and title followed by book data. Use the abbreviation “In” before the Editor’s name:
E. g.
Millon T. Brief History of Psychopathology. In: Blaney PH, Millon T (eds.) Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

10. Book page
Book pages are marked with “pages” only if a part of the book is being quoted:
E. g.
Mimica N. Delirij. U: Begić D, Jukić V, Medved V. (ur.). Psihijatrija. Zagreb:
Medicinska naklada, 2015, pages: 84-86.

11. Web address
Required for online resources.

12. Date of use
Required for online resources.

13. DOI
If available, it is mandatory to cite online resources.
E. g.
Cook A, Spinazzola J, Ford J, Lanktree C, Blaustein M, Cloitre M, et al. Complex trauma in children and adolescents. Psych Ann 2005; 35(5): 390-398. Accesed 14. October 2017. https://doi. org/10.3928/00485713-20050501-05.


All Issues >
Volume 52, Issue 4 2024, Pages 275-356
UDK 615.89
ISSN 0303-7908
Volume 52, Issue 3 2024, Pages 185-274
UDK 615.89
ISSN 0303-7908
Volume 52, Issue 2 2024, Pages 107-184
UDK 615.89
ISSN 0303-7908

Social Psychiatry

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